
Power Platform中心だけど、ノーコード/ローコード系を書いてます。


Building "DecodeUrl" function in Power Apps

Power Apps has capability to encode text to percent-encoded style (ex: EncodeUrl("@") -> %40), however, there is no decoding function (DecodeUrl). So far, highly nested Substitute functions are used to decode a percent-encoded text. (See r…

Encode/Decode Base64 in Power Apps without Flow

[2023/07/04 Updated: To fix error due to recent change on Split function] In previous post, I showed how to convert a base using multiple conversion tables. As an application of this technique, I will show the encoding plain text to Base64…

Power AppsでDEC2BIN

Power Appsで10進数を2進数に変換する需要がどこまであるかわかりませんが、絶対忘れそうなので備忘録として残しておきます。 number に変換したい10進数を、placeに2進数での桁数を設定して、 With( { number:41, place:6 }, Concat(Sequence(place,place,-…

Handling base32 string in Power Apps

Base32 is much less common than Base64, so Power Apps/Power Automate don't have capabilities to handle it. Recently, Base32 encoded string is used in New Zealand COVID passport, and it is provided as QR code. Ref: New Zealand Covid Pass Sp…

Listing All Power Apps functions

Power Apps is supporting over 100 functions in canvas app studio, and is officially listed below: This is official list, however, we sometimes would find undocumented functions in studio - such as RandBetween, ScanBarcod…

特定の文字で列の値をマスキングするColumn formatting

SharePoint Listで1行テキストの列を特定の文字でマスクし、クリックしたら値を表示するようなColumn formattingを作ってみました。 Masking field in view using SharePoint column formatting— Hiro (@mofumofu_dance) Decemb…


普段キャンバスアプリを作るとき/使うときには、諸々の理由により表示言語を英語に設定しているのですが、モデル駆動型アプリを使い始めたらなぜかブラウザー言語を英語にしているのに全部日本語で表示されて困っていました。 個人設定を見てみても、言語の…

Preview page orientation with RTL language in Custom pages

RTL language in Model-driven app In model-driven app, if the user set their personal language option as Right-to-Left (RTL) languages, app automatically flip its page orientation RTL reflecting user preference. Interestingly, Not only buil…