
Power Platform中心だけど、ノーコード/ローコード系を書いてます。

How to localize content in Custom pages for Model Driven app

In this post, I will show how to provide localization in custom pages for model-driven app step by step. For standalone canvas apps, we usually use Language() function to detect users' language and LookUp some translated text from static d…


For non-Japanese readers : キャンバスアプリで多言語対応のアプリを作成する場合、その多くは各言語用のテキストを収めた静的データ (Excelテーブルのインポートなど) を利用し、キャ…

Detect Unauthorized Git repo used in Power Apps co-authoring

Git version control, aka Co-Authoring feature is AWESOME! Co-authoring in canvas apps (experimental) - Power Apps | Microsoft Docs But... admins may be concerned that the source code may leak to inappropriate (= not managed by organization…

Building "DecodeUrl" function in Power Apps

Power Apps has capability to encode text to percent-encoded style (ex: EncodeUrl("@") -> %40), however, there is no decoding function (DecodeUrl). So far, highly nested Substitute functions are used to decode a percent-encoded text. (See r…

Encode/Decode Base64 in Power Apps without Flow

[2023/07/04 Updated: To fix error due to recent change on Split function] In previous post, I showed how to convert a base using multiple conversion tables. As an application of this technique, I will show the encoding plain text to Base64…

Power AppsでDEC2BIN

Power Appsで10進数を2進数に変換する需要がどこまであるかわかりませんが、絶対忘れそうなので備忘録として残しておきます。 number に変換したい10進数を、placeに2進数での桁数を設定して、 With( { number:41, place:6 }, Concat(Sequence(place,place,-…

Handling base32 string in Power Apps

Base32 is much less common than Base64, so Power Apps/Power Automate don't have capabilities to handle it. Recently, Base32 encoded string is used in New Zealand COVID passport, and it is provided as QR code. Ref: New Zealand Covid Pass Sp…